Experts Only: 2016 Riverside Co. Real Estate Forecast


Hello, I’m preparing a blog post for my site and because of your expertise, I’m inviting you to participate in my annual Riverside County Real Estate market forecast/prediction for 2016.

Why Should You Participate?

Consumers want to work with experts, we all know that. Being featured as an expert by an independent 3rd party website and contributing to an article helps build your authority, credibility, and brand identity as the ‘go to’ person in your market.

Being asked by an independent 3rd party (like is always more effective in building your brand than paying hundreds of dollars each month self promoting or declaring yourself an expert (advertising)……..not to mention less expensive.

My blog articles are often referenced in the Press Enterprise, Washington Post, LA Times, and many other industry publications.

You never know when a publication will include your commentary in their article.  I referenced John Butler in this blog post and his name was featured in the Press Enterprises news release about how the FHA loan limit was going to impact Riverside County!   This article here .

You’ll also receive a valuable ‘do-follow’ link from my high ranking authority mortgage site to your website/blog/social media profile……..this is critical for link building and helping your site rank higher in the search engines.

What is Expected of You?

Do I expect you to refer 20 loans a year to me?  Pay me cash under the table?  Ha Ha…..nothing of the sort.

  • Contributors are expected to share this post on their social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn), their website, and/or with their SOI/database, newsletters, etc…
  • A contextual link from your website/blog to my home page or an article on my site would be very much appreciated….it’s how website owners/bloggers reciprocate to show thanks.

What’s in This for Me?

I simply want to provide trusted, valuable, and relevant content from the best and the brightest agents in the area to my 5,000 to 6,000 monthly readers who land on my site from organic web searches.

If the people who land on my website end up contacting you directly or clicking through to your website, registering to search homes, and you sell them a $400,000 home….then great for you!

Who knows, maybe someday we can even work together to create some creative online marketing/lead generation projects that make us both money.

How Many People will Read this Article?

I don’t know the exact answer to that, and cannot guarantee anything, but last year’s 2015 prediction article had 793 Unique visitors (all organic search results – no paid clicks) and readers stayed on that page for an AMAZING 4:08!!

4:08 time on page is like an eternity for web content and tells you the people were reading the article.


I would like to promote this years 2016 post via Facebook and see if we can double or triple that traffic and get even more exposure for all of us.

What to do if you are Interested:

Let me know ASAP!!  I’m inviting 10-15 Real Estate Agents/Brokers but only have space for 3-5.  Early bird gets the worm.

If you don’t see the value in this or don’t care to be recognized as a local expert, that’s OK…..I can keep you off my invitation list for future articles if desired….no harm no foul.

Put some research and thought into your commentary to ensure that  your commentary/forecast/prediction is published.  Provide the commentary on a word or google doc and i will format it.

Remember, all commentary must be unique and original… ghost written content that is published on thousands of other real estate agent websites and please do not copy and paste someone else’s prediction.

Here is what I’ll need from you NO LATER than JANUARY 4th:

  • Name as you want published
  • Broker, Company, or DBA name
  • Email & Phone #
  • Photo (if I don’t already have it on file)
  • Primary and secondary local markets you specialize in or ‘farm’.
  • One URL link to a website or social media profile/page of your choice
  • Write up to 300 words (in Word or Google doc) where you think your local market (farm area) is headed for 2015. Feel free to reference 2014 results for your farm, give stats/supporting evidence/opinion on why, or anything else you feel is important a home buyer or seler seller should consider when deciding to buy/sell in 2015….like rent, affordability, appreciation, buyer vs. seller market etc… know what people want too know.

NOTE: By submitting your commentary/prediction, you are giving me permission to publish your content and promote you and your business….is that OK?

If you have a question or want to discuss world domination of your market, reply to the email or call my cell phone (951) 491-5330.

Cheers, and here’s to a prosperous 2016!


Here are a few articles/examples where I featured local real estate agents:

==> 2015 Riverside Co Real Estate Predictions from 4 Local Experts 

==> October 2013 Temecula Valley Local Market Report

==> Agent Spotlight: Jeff Menendez