The Golden Opportunities down payment assistance program is a new homebuyer assistance program offered by the GSFA to help low-to-moderate income homebuyers in California purchase a home with little-to-no money out of pocket when using FHA, VA, or USDA financing. The Golden Opportunities buyer program provides up to 5% assistance of the loan amount which […]

Golden Opportunities Down Payment Assistance Program

C.A.R. HAF Closing Cost Assistance Program
C.A.R.’s Housing Affordability Fund (HAF) Pathway to Homeownership Closing Cost Assistance Program, in partnership with NPHS, will provide up to $10,000 in assistance to first time homebuyers in California who are members of an ‘underserved community’. The goal of this assistance program is to help close the gap of building generational wealth through homeownership for […]

California Dream For All Assistance Program
The California Dream for All homebuyer assistance program is a shared appreciation down payment assistance program that provides 20% down payment of assistance, in the form of a silent second loan, to qualified FIRST TIME GENERATIONAL HOMEBUYERS (not just first time buyers). Assistance can be used to pay down payment and/or closing costs. The Dream […]

Forgivable Equity Builder Assistance Loan Program
The CalHFA Forgivable Equity Builder Loan (FEBL) program is a forgivable 10% down payment assistance program available to low income first time homebuyers in California that will help build home equity and generational wealth for those in need. The Forgivable Equity Builder Loan (FEBL) is funded by the California Housing Finance Agency (CalHFA) who’s goal […]

The Coronavirus CARES Act Mortgage Forbearance Plan
On March 27th President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act (HR 748) into law. The CARES Act provides mortgage forbearance relief to homeowners that have a federally backed mortgage who’ve been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Skipping mortgage payments due to the COVID-19 Cornavirus national pandemic is a big decision, […]

California Firefighter Down Payment Assistance
The California Firefighter Down Payment Assistance (CFDPA) program provides homebuyer assistance to eligible Firefighters and all fire department employees of the State, Federal, Local, or a Tribal fire department in California. California’s Firefighter Down Payment Assistance (CFDPA) loan program provides from 3% to 3.5% of assistance in the form of a silent second home loan […]

Chenoa Fund Downpayment Assistance Program
The Chenoa Fund downpayment assistance loan program offers 100% affordable financing for buyers who can meet basic minimum credit requirements and lack sufficient funds for a down payment. The Chenoa Fund homebuyer assistance program offers two unique down payment assistance programs, the Chenoa Fund FHA Advantage and Chenoa Fund Conventional Advantage, to meet the needs […]