The USDA Rural Housing Guaranteed home loan program announced a new USDA Streamline Rural Refinance Pilot program to make refinancing easier and faster. Why the changes? It’s part of President Obama ‘s plan to help reward responsible homeowners. The new USDA streamline refinance pilot program will give California homeowners the opportunity to reduce their interest […]

Approved HARP 2 Refinance Lender in California
With President Obama’s recent changes to the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) t0 help more people refinance into a lower interest rate, it’s unfortunate many mortgage lenders/brokers in California choose NOT to offer the new HARP refinance DU Refi Plus or the Relief Refinance-Open Access loan program. Approved HARP 2 Mortgage Lender & Broker in […]

Extenuating Circumstance to Buy After Short Sale, Foreclosure or BK
An allowable extenuating circumstance may allow you to qualify for an FHA, VA, USDA or Conventional mortgage much sooner to buy again after experiencing a short sale, foreclosure, or bankruptcy. If you don’t have an acceptable extenuating circumstance, you need to comply with the official published waiting periods to qualify and buy again, purchase a […]

Qualify and Buy a Home Again After a Short Sale in California
Qualifying to buy a home again after a short sale in California is something you should plan for before you short sell your home. The required waiting period to be eligible to buy again after your short sale will depend on the mortgage loan program being used and your circumstances. Blog Post updated 8/17/2013 ==> […]

FHA 90 Day Flip Waiver Guideline Extended to Dec. 31, 2012
In timely fashion (7 days to expiring), HUD has extended their 90 day flip waiver through December 31, 2012. What’s The Big Hairy Deal? Prior to February 1, 2010, HUD/FHA did not allow a home buyer to use an FHA loan when buying a home from an investor who bought a home, did repairs/renovations, and […]

2012 VA County Loan Limits in California Reduced!
The 2012 VA loan lending limit in many California high cost counties has been reduced significantly from last year, but still allows for 100% zero down payment home financing. 12/22/2013 —- UPDATE ==> click on link to view updated 2014 VA Loan Limits in California by County. The new high cost county VA loan limit […]

Buy a Home Again After Foreclosure in CA – Waiting Periods Explained
When can I can buy again after foreclosure? This has become a popular question the last few years. I thought it would be helpful to explain the required waiting periods to buy a home again after foreclosure. How soon you can qualify to buy again after foreclosure will depend on the type of loan program […]