Fannie Mae’s HomePath® Ready Buyer™ Program provides up to 3% closing cost assistance for qualified creditworthy first time home buyers. The purpose of Fannie Mae’s HomePath Ready Buyer Program is to educate first time home buyers to help them better understand the home buying process……essentially to make better buying decisions which, which in theory, should create […]

CalHFA MyHome Assistance Program
What is the CalHFA MyHome Assistance Program? CalHFA offers the MyHome down payment and closing cost assistance program to help first time homebuyers purchase a home in California. The MyHome Assistance Program provides up to 3% to 3.5% of the sales price or appraised value (whichever is less). Assistance funds are in the form of […]

CalHERO Home Loan
The CalHERO™ Mortgage is a California real estate reward savings program for Police, Firefighters, Veterans, Nurses, and Teachers when they buy, sell, or refinance a home. CalHERO is often referred to as a mortgage program for heroes, community hero home loan, or a first responder home loan. The goal of a CalHERO Home Loan is […]

HomeReady Mortgage Program
What is the HomeReady™ Mortgage? HomeReady™ is Fannie Mae’s new affordable financing mortgage program designed to help today’s credit worthy borrowers with low to moderate incomes to purchase a home. Fannie Mae’s goal with HomeReady is to expand access to credit while supporting responsible and sustainable homeownership. Sustainable ownership is achieved through a comprehensive homeownership […]

Move Up Buyers Converting Primary to Rental Get Reprieve From Fannie Mae
30% Equity No Longer Required on Departing Primary Residence to Count Rental Income Fannie Mae just announced a MAJOR guideline change for homeowners who want to convert their principle residence to an investment property and buy another primary home. Effective immediately, move up home buyers with less than 30% equity in their primary residence will now be […]

FHA No Longer Excluding Deferred Student Loan Payments From DTI Ratios
FHA’s new 4000.1 handbook states lenders can no longer exclude deferred student loan debt payments from a borrowers DTI ratio. This change in how FHA treats deferred obligations takes effect September 14, 2015, and may significantly reduce how much a buyer qualifies for when using FHA financing. Essentially, deferred loans are no longer treated differently […]

Golden State Finance Authority Homebuyer Assistance Programs
The Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA) is a California housing finance agency and public entity that supports affordable homeownership with down payment and closing cost assistance programs for low to moderate wage income homebuyers in California. Formerly known as CHF (or CRHMFA – California Rural Home Mortgage Finance Authority), Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA) assistance […]